At Up Trades, You’re More than just a Trader

What’s important to you, is essential to us.

As an Award-winning Partner, we know the market and our clients’ demands. We ensure dav extraordinary trading conditions, the best of the industry customer service and support, tight spreads, direct access to the market, fast execution, and easy access to the most popular financial instruments. So, you can enjoy a smooth, and efficient trading experience.

Choose the trading account that fits you

Choose the trading account that fits you

Up Trades provide a wide range of account types for both new and more active traders.

Check out the features of our different account types and make sure you pick the one that fits you.

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Why you should join Up Trades?

There are so many points to consider when you’re choosing the best and right trading partner for your journey. Discover why you should choose us.

Multiple Payment Options

We are providing both global and local funding methods, incessantly striving to offer you even more deposit and withdrawal options.

Tight Spreads and no Commission

Enjoy the trading with tight spreads starting from 0.4 pips and $0 commission, irrespective of your account type or lot size.

Security of Funds and Insurance

Funding security is one of our main purposes. We take additional measures to secure your funds in step with advancing technology.

Negative Balance Protection

Up Trades offers you a set of risk management tools that protect your account and funds. Even if volatile markets move rapidly against your positions, your account will not be negative.

New and Improved Trading Platform

Choose UP Trader on mobile, or web, and enjoy trading with the most innovative trading platform.

Global Access

Invest globally in stocks, cyrptocurrencies, commodities, indices and more than hundreds of currencies from a single integrated account.

Up Trader is available on your platform of choice

  • Up Trader is the premium platform to take your trading experience to the next level.
  • It provides trading orders for CFDs on forex, commodities, stocks and indices trading at your fingertips whenever you want and wherever you are.
  • With the Up Trader mobile app, you can connect to our servers on the go, 24/7 and for free. On the other side, remember that you can use the Up Trader WebTrader platform in seconds!
  • It means that you will be available to trade anytime, anywhere from any platform you want. All you need is a secure and stable internet connection.

24/7 support

You can contact with our support team whenever you want.

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Deposit and withdrawal option

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You are just 3 steps away from trading.
Register in minutes with our fast and secure application process.

Up Trades to start trade now

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